
How To Future-proof Your Tech Career and Life?

MyKoz is a journaling platform that doubles as a learning tool, helping people learn to code and interact with Linux in an approachable way. The tools that people rely on to do their work are constantly changing and evolving. Starting from scratch with every new disruption rather than building on the skills and knowledge that last a lifetime can be frustrating. Change that by taking up the great battle-worn time-tested tools of tech with MyKoz.

Where? On WSL Linux…

1. Get a Linux server running on your Windows PC.
2. Start using Python in Linux Jupyter Notebooks.
3. Start writing daily journal entries in NeoVim.

Linux is where you Code Runs, be it a Cloud Server, Embedded System, or on your Laptop with a Linux Subsystem. Make your code run there and you can make your code run for life.

How To Install MyKoz.AI

  1. Copy the text below. Create a file called mykoz.bat on your Desktop, save and double-click it. Be sure to save it as a .bat file, not .txt, which might require into Windows Explorer and turning off the option to hide common file extensions. Also, the double-click to run may require extra security approval steps.
  2. This downloads the actual installer named Jupyter Ubuntu.bat. Double-click it. It replaces Ubuntu 22.04 with one configured to hosts JupyterLab on Linux from the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). That’s it! You new have JupyterLab running, which you can reach with the new JupyterLab icon on your desktop.

Run From a .BAT File on Desktop

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "TIME=%TIME::=%"
set "TIME=%TIME:.=%"
set /a "T=%TIME%"
set "URL="
set "FILENAME=Jupyter Ubuntu.bat"
curl -s -o "%FILENAME%" "%URL%" ^
    -H "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" ^
    -H "Pragma: no-cache" ^
    -H "Expires: 0" ^
    --proxy-header "Cache-Control: no-cache" ^
    --proxy-header "Cache-Control: no-store"

Step 2. Start using Python in Linux Jupyter Notebooks.